Sully's Cafe at The Green Room
A podcast dedicated to the local music scene of Southern New England.

"A Diamond and a Sister"

Sully and Josh had a great discussion of the scene this week with mentions of The Motif Music Awards; Drop Out Night; Creation Tuesday;  Daniel Chase, Dennis Emsley, Morgan Boutin and Kris Hansen; Jamm Jazz; Jon Tierney, Torn Shorts and Dennis Emsley's Hiding Behind Youth; Spogga and Otis Grove; as well as Haze and Hardig Rhode. The gents welcome Diamond Dan White to the studio for a lengthy, unique interview followed by a performance of "Colored Rag," "Marie, and "Bagdad". Next, Vudu Sister visits the studio for an interview and plays three songs for the Green Room as well, including "Psalms," "The Quiet Man," and "Underground".  The guys wrap up discussing a number of upcoming Tunes Around Town and a quick mention of next week's guest.

Approximate run time: 1 hour and 29 minutes

Direct download: SCatGRepisode52.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:18pm EDT

"Acoustics Galor"

Sully and Josh had a great discussion of the scene this week with mentions of Creation Tuesday;  Spogga; The block party with Route .44, Kermit Ruffins, Starforce Trio, Angry Farmer, Jeri and the Jeepsters and Sasquatch and the Sikabilliys; The Community Boat Center's easonal kick off with Kris Hansen, Nick Travis, Keith McCurdy, Daniel Chase and The Sugar Honey Iced Tea Band; and Spogga with DJ Face. The gents welcome Treestar to the studio for a lengthy, unique interview followed by a performance of "Faros," "Helix, and Song of Soaring". Next, Jacob Haller visits the studio for an interview and plays three songs for the Green Room as well, including "Stale tequila," "Absolute Zero," and "I'm a Guy".  The guys wrap up discussing a number of upcoming Tunes Around Town and a quick mention of next week's guest.

Direct download: SCatGRepisode51.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:53pm EDT

"Crypto-zoological Rockabilly"

Sully and Josh had a great discussion of the scene this week with mentions of Creation Tuesday;  Ms Marci and Sit Down Baby; Jeff Conley, Torn Shorts and Sinister Minstrel; Paul Lowe Jr and the I95s; Kyle Andree; Mark Cutler and the Men of Great Courage; Daniel Chase, Dennis Emsley with Joe Fletcher and the Wrong Reason; and Santa Mamba. The gents welcome members of Angry Farmer, Sasquatch and the Sick-a-Billys as well as Jeri and the Jeepsters to the studio for a lengthy, unique interview. Each act shares a couple of songs with the listeners.  The guys wrap up discussing a number of upcoming Tunes Around Town and a quick mention of next week's guest.

Approximate run time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

Direct download: SCatGRepisode50.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:59am EDT

"Gettin Ripped with Torn Shorts"

Sully runs down some great shows that happened this past week including mentions of Drop Out Night with Kris Hansen, Jon Tierney, Daniel Chase, Morgan and Torn Shorts; as well as Fungus Amungus' CD Release party with special guests The Johnny Lingo Band and Lemon Lime Tennis Shoes. Sully welcomes Torn Shorts to the studio for a lengthy interviewafter which he plays four songs, "Life on a River," "Its a Feelin", "Paint a Picture," and "The Duct Tape Song," for the listeners.  Sully wraps up discussing a number of upcoming Tunes Around Town and a quick mention of next week's guests.

Approximate run time: 42 minutes

Direct download: SCatGRepisode49.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:37pm EDT

"A Man of Mystique"

Sully and Josh had a great discussion of the scene this week with mentions of Drop Out Night,  Creation Tuesday;  Shane Manzi and the Red Hot Blues; Spogga and the Grass Gypsys; Destroy Babylon, The Macrotones and Gravity Works; Chantuses; and Relative Souls and Boo City. The gents welcome the Spogga to the studio for a lengthy interview. Spogga performs 3 songs, "Game is On" into "Hey", "Manhattan," and "Rub a Dub," and shares a track, "Rock Star," with the listeners.  The guys wrap up discussing a number of upcoming Tunes Around Town and a quick mention of next week's guest.

Approximate run time: 1 hour and 13 minutes

Direct download: SCatGRepisode48.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:12pm EDT